
We Speak Gay is a Community of LGBTQ+ friendly companies, events and destinations. We stand together against homophobia, transphobia and all kind of discrimination. We are working for a safer and more inclusive society. Here is the list of all the members and partners in the community.

Food and Drink, Helsinki Hannu Virtanen-Medina Food and Drink, Helsinki Hannu Virtanen-Medina

Junk Y Vegan

Junk y Vegans idea is to make marvelous vegan street food. We want to say “bye-bye” to the way of thinking that vegan food is all beans and lettuce. The goal is to make vegan food easy to find, try and enjoy. “Damn, that’s vegan!”, is the one liner we are looking for.

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Food and Drink, Helsinki Hannu Virtanen-Medina Food and Drink, Helsinki Hannu Virtanen-Medina

Restaurant Oiva

Restaurant Oiva has been in the heart of Helsinki’s Kallio since 1940. Restaurant Oiva respects the old and authentic Helsinki restaurant culture in a modern way, offering tasty home-cooked lunches, a relaxed à la carte menu from the evening kitchen, and delicacies at the sizzling brunch table on weekends. In our selection of drinks, we have invested in quality beers and wines.

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Finland is one of the safest and most LGBTQIA friendly countries in the world. The legislation in the country does not accept any kind of discrimination based on sexuality or gender. On these pages we are presenting Finland and Finnish companies and events that are welcoming to LGBTQIA people.